Claiming on your Insurance

A claim can be a very stressful and upsetting time for businesses and individuals alike. As a client of Matrix Insurance, we take the hassle and stress out of your claim and are instrumental in ensuring the claims process is as smooth and seamless as possible.


How We Help You

  • We lodge the claim with your insurance company
  • We arrange for an assessor to be appointed if necessary
  • We help you with paperwork and completing claim forms
  • We support you through the entire claims process
  • We keep you up to date with progress of the claim
  • We work to ensure you get the best possible result for your claim

What You Must Do

  • Immediately contact emergency services if there is a life threatening emergency
  • Perform a make safe to any damaged property to stop further loss from occurring. Arrange for a qualified contractor to do this if necessary
  • Notify Matrix Insurance Group of the claim within 24 hours
  • If machinery which is critical to your business fails then make arrangements within business hours to locate replacement plant or services
  • Remove property which could be exposed to further damage or loss
  • Keep in mind that no repairs are authorised until you have approval from your insurer

Looking to Make a Claim?

Please complete and return either of the below forms to

Contact a Claims Expert

Contact Matrix Insurance today on (08) 6555 7742  to speak to a claims expert.

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